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Reports Posted This Season - 47 ;  Fatalities - 72 US Fatalities - 16
Reports in Database: 2110+


Avalanche Incidents Update List

NEW - We have a public email list for sharing updates to incident files when they occur. In many cases we make updates later, sometimes much later, as additional information becomes available or comes to our attention. Please note that we do this work sporadically so email updates may be sporadic. Subscribe Now! (Free to the Public) Unsubscribe - Once you are on the list there is an unsubscribe link at the top of every email.

Snow Avalanche Statistics

The statistics section has graphs and links to graphs concerning avalanche accident statistics. We now have charts for the US for 2023-24 posted as well as an interactive map. We have published our books on the 2021-22 and 2022-23 season US fatalities, which are available online for free to members. We can also send a free Kindle version to your device if you're a member.

Current Years Snow Avalanche Incidents:

RSSXML - Incident Summaries (RSS is no longer reliably maintained due to a lack of funding and resources.)

We only list the most recently added avalanche incidents here on the front section page. They may not be chronological. All other incidents since October 1998 can be located using the search page. Due to a lack of resources we are behind on archiving some incidents from the last few years. Many are listed on our working archive page. Help support our public archive and other work.

June 10, 2024: We have moved all (but one) of this seasons incidents into the database where you can find them by searching.

Search All (or most) Incident Reports (Since Oct 1, 1998)                                                          
View Report Advisory Fatalities Date State/Country Location Activity
REPORT: FATALITIES: - 2 Mar 11 Japan Hokkaido Skiing

Incident Reports Posted for 2023-2024: 47
Reported Fatalities for 2023-2024: 72
Reported US Fatalities for 2023-2024: 16

Incidents from seasons prior to October 1998:

     (Seasons run Oct 1 through Sept 30)

All incidents since October 1, 1998 can be found using the search form.

Other Avalanche Incidents and Related Pages

Grief and Loss Resources

After a close call, or one by a friend or family member, Critical Incident Stress may occur. Additional useful information is available from the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation.

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