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Special avalanche advisory in CO through Sunday

The CAIC has issued a special avalanche advisory for the high country due to the possibility of "large wet avalanches" through Sunday, June 9. They recorded "several large and destructive wet avalanches" on Wednesday — more than normal for early June. With near-record temperatures expected on Thursday and Friday there is a possibility for more large wet avalanches. The record-high temperatures come on the heels of a week that saw overnight lows near or above freezing. Cloud cover will limit how much the snowpack can cool overnight, making avalanche conditions worse.
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Glacier NP plow crews grapple with avalanches and debris

Glacier National Park road crews are still in the thick of winter snowpack — the deepest seen in more than a decade. The work became challenging once they reached the alpine section of the road. The avalanches this year have felt Sisyphean; crews hurry down the road as warm afternoon temperatures cause snow to start sliding. Supervisor Brian Paul said they usually have to clear avalanches to get home. 

“The last avalanches were on the 13th of May last year, and this year we had seven yesterday. We keep re-plowing or pre-plowing to follow-up in the morning, we’ll start working and then we'll have to plow ourselves out in the afternoon,” Paul said. 
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