Climbers Avalanche Course - 2024 Member Free Access

We are running a pilot program this spring for members, for this course only. Each module will be opened for a fixed amount of time, free for members. We will post information on this page about the modules being opened and the dates, as that is decided.

This is a pilot program, based on how things go this spring with this course we will decide on the next step for next season. Our hope is to be able to offer Level 1 modules and ideally some new short courses free to members as we are doing here.

You can ask to be added to any module which is open which you meet the prerequisites for. There are three modules which only require the short intro module as a prerequisite, none of these require any of the others. The final module puts this material together and therefore requires all three of these. Various modules will be open for fixed amounts of time, we don't want students lingering over a long time in this approach. You are still free to register for a fee and complete everything on your own terms, at a reduced member rate.

What's Currently Open?

May 16 - The Introduction Module is available. Because this is required for anything else and is short background material no closing date is set for it.

How to Register

Platform Registration: Since you are a member you can register on the Dokeos platform yourself, but if you have problems let us know and we can help or do it for you.

1) Go to the main page and click on "Registration". (Logging into the website first is recommended.)

2) If you are not logged into the website you will get the "members only" page. Click on the key icon to get a small pop-up for logging in. After entering name/password click on the "Reload the Page" and you will see the registration.

3) We recommend using the same name and password you have for the site. (This would be integrated if it were easier to do.) It is best to use a unique password not used elsewhere. Our site should be reasonably secure but we don't handle or store anything too personal or useful so we are not obsessed with this. If your credentials are unique they can be as secure (or not) as you wish given that the only things accessed are your course details (progress, etc).

Module Registration: You need to send a request to be added to a module. We manage and track that (and verify prerequisites where applicable). As with all requests we handle you should receive a response within 24-48 hours. Usually 24. We will try to handle this promptly since we are serving members and since time is limited in each module.


You will not need to be logged into the website to login to Dokeos and access course modules. Although materials like case studies in the Incidents Archives will require it. (The exception is registration - as a member you can self-register as above.)

To login to the Institute as a student you do so from the mail Avalanche Institute home. (There is a public page and a student access page, if you are on the public page with no login area look for the link for the students page.)

Likewise, being logged into the website will not log you into the Institute. They are independent systems.