Avalanche Center Web Use 1995-96 Web Traffic

Our operating year is from October 1 through September 30. The 1995-96 season was our first on the web (our second on the internet, after a year on a gopher server). Here is the end-of-season traffic summary. You can view a text summary generated by wwwstat, but it is now gzipped to save space. [Download].

By Section Number of accesses to main Section pages. The "Bulletins" section was separated from the home page late in the year (around March), and the "Other Info" section was added late in the year (at least April). So these figures and the ratio of hits between them is not all that useful.
By Domain Number of accesses by domain (i.e. country) for the year. Total number of (top level, i.e. country) domains is 60!
By Month Number of accesses per month. gwstat works on a calendar year so this is for January through September. October through December were lower since we had barely begun.



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